My relevant Zazzle stores

I have three different Zazzle stores with different types of my work in each.

For photos with scripture, visit my favorite and most posted to store Disciple Crafts on Zazzle.
For straight photos, visit Majesty Pictures on Zazzle.
And lastly for my digital art, visit Digital Creations on Zazzle.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quiet Walkway #2 on Cades Cove Road - Part 2

So here is part two of the quiet walkway that I went on Saturday morning. When I left you on the last post, I had crossed to about the center of the creek to the largest rock. I stopped there to take a few photos.

And yes, I made it across the river. I didn't get wet at all. I actually had no problems getting across. I did almost slip on the way back, but still didn't get wet even then.

A little ways down the trail there was a fallen tree that had not been cleared. This was entirely possible to climb over though. For me, I basically throw one leg over and then...

Well, of course, I stop and take a picture. Actually I stopped and took several pictures. I just didn't like how the others turned out. So this is the only one you get to see. But eventually, the other leg is thrown over, and I continue on down the trail.

I just liked the look of this fallen tree. I don't know why but I just thought it was interesting looking how the tree had broken when it fell. I think this tree fell longer ago than the recent storms. The parts of it that were on the ground were more broken down. They had the broken down by nature look, not the taken apart by man with a saw look.

Right about here is where you could start to see a very old stone wall. That is actually what the tree had fallen and broken on.

Here is a shot of the stone wall where it was still standing. It was actually on both sides of the path, but was more intact on the left than the right. It was really kind of neat to walk along the path. It just seemed like this path with the stone wall had been there for a long time. It made me wonder what it might lead to. Would there be the remains of an old turn of the century house? So I kept walking along it and looking around for where this might lead to.

What I first saw was this metal on the ground. It kind of look like it might have been a tub at one point. I wondered if it once been a still from back in the prohibition days.

As I looked around more, I thought more of a still that had exploded. There were metal parts just all about. I tried to think what else it could have been, but couldn't think of anything else. Do you know of anything else that all these metal parts could have been from?
This was actually where I decided that the trail petered out. At least I could not see a discernible trail after this point. So I turned around and started making my way back.

I was actually hurting quite a bit by the time I was done with this trail. This is a shot of the car at the first point I could see it again. See that little red bit at the center of the photo? At this point I was thinking, "Dang that car is still too far away." But what can you do, you just have to keep walking.

I hope to take you on more of these little walks in the future. Let me know if you like them.

Oh, and Happy MLK Day!

1 comment:

  1. The bits of metal are interesting. Let us know if you ever find out what they are from.

    Also, I totally understand the whole, "the car is too far away" feeling. :)
