My relevant Zazzle stores

I have three different Zazzle stores with different types of my work in each.

For photos with scripture, visit my favorite and most posted to store Disciple Crafts on Zazzle.
For straight photos, visit Majesty Pictures on Zazzle.
And lastly for my digital art, visit Digital Creations on Zazzle.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tribute to Prince

This is Prince.

The dog that we are desperately missing this morning. He would often sleep on or next to us.

I just happened to click this one when he was licking the snow off his nose.

I think Lady will miss him too.

He often seemed to be cold and would sit in front of the heater. This time I had just turned it off, and he looked at me and at the heater a couple of times. It was really like he was saying "Come on, turn it back on."

And well, this was just a costume on sale at Walmart one night. His name was well, it just seemed fun. He would let me do whatever I wanted to him.

I miss him greatly. While he was often obnoxious, as you never had to wonder when he wanted attention, he was also just very sweet. I'll miss the morning licks and nuzzles. I'll miss the occasional nightly toe, foot or calf licking after he'd crawled under covers. I'll miss him sleeping with me. I'll miss the smile he put on my mom's face. I'll just miss him in many ways. So here's to Prince, my nuzzling, licking dog.